Friday, June 26, 2015

Eastern Broccoli Project

The Eastern Broccoli Project is a USDA-SCRI and industry-funded effort to establish a broccoli industry in the eastern United States. The project team includes researchers from several universities, private companies, and the USDA, as well as commercial participants in the production, distribution, and marketing business. It is a partnership of public and private sectors with the goal to create a year-round supply of quality, Eastern-grown broccoli that will be welcomed in East Coast Markets.

Broccoli is becoming a major specialty crop. The large majority is grown in California. The growing demand for locally grown produce is also spiking an interest in growing broccoli on the East coast. This ensures not only a fresher product but reduces transportation costs!

This summer I have been given the opportunity to work with the Eastern Broccoli Project on the producer as well as the extension end. Suzanne is working on grants for the project, as well as helping James Light, my father, as he grows plants for the trial.

Suzanne, James, and I sowed the broccoli seeds on May 20th. They were grown in our greenhouse at home for five weeks and then were transplanted into the field on June 24th. That day Suzanne and I made row markers to differentiate between the varieties in the trial.

The broccoli should be ready for harvest around August 13th. When they are near ready, we are going to host a field day where many of those involved with the project from Cornell University will come down to visit our farm and see how the trial is doing.

So far we have had no complications or problems with the trial, which is great! We will go out to the field to take pictures and check on the plants as they grow. We hope the weather continues to cooperate as we move further into the growing season.

Setting the trial plants into the field using a carousel setter

A row of trial broccoli

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